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electron deficiencyの例文


  • Ring strain and electron deficiency in the oxanorbornadiene increase reactivity towards the cycloaddition rate-limiting step.
  • Unlike carbon, boron cannot form a honeycomb hexagonal framework ( like graphene ) because of its electron deficiency.
  • Current flow can be understood in two forms : as negatively charged electrons, and as positively charged electron deficiencies called holes.
  • Therefore, it is rare for bridging alkyl or aryl groups to occur due to the weak electron deficiency of the zinc atom.
  • When zinc lacks electron donating ligands it is unable to obtain coordination saturation, which is a consequence of the large atomic radius and low electron deficiency of zinc.
  • Electron deficiency can also be used to describe molecules with highly polarized bonds such as boron trifluoride or silicon tetrafluoride which have a strong tendency to act as Lewis acids.
  • Here, the electrostatic surface emphasizes the electron deficiency of the sulfur atom, suggesting interactions in which it might engage, and chemical reactions it might undergo . ]]
  • The electronegativity of boron ( 2.04 on the Pauling scale ) compared to that of nitrogen ( 3.04 ) and also the electron deficiency on the boron atom and the lone pair on nitrogen favor alternative mesomer structures for borazine.
  • A silicon crystal is different from an insulator because at any temperature above absolute zero, there is a finite probability that an electron in the lattice will be knocked loose from its position, leaving behind an electron deficiency called a " hole ".